Saturday, October 6, 2012

the ascent...

We are shallow wells
which daily through
the deepest love is drawn
ever upward towards the light,
and by the product of that drawing
are we deepened ever slowly. 
In the gentle leaf and stick strewn
bower of my heart I feel it,
in my small and human way
I sense the humming of the source,
the thrilling of the light,
and the dancers in the dark.
The illusion of no movement
is a very human invention,
it is a gift of the moment
by which we slow-down
the passing of our lives.
When we invented clocks
to parse time into seconds,
like Dr. Frankenstein, we did invent
a monster whom we love to scorn
we named our creation tedium
a thing we love to hate, which
bolsters this stunning illusion
that we have time to spare.
As drivers of vague boredom
we excel at streamlining 
the excessive volume of our grief
over the fact of our mortality
into a thin and pliant band
that staunches the seamless flow
of time to a manageable average 
of 80 lovely beats per minute
ever throbbing at the wrist.
We are weeds in this garden
like the purple thistle in the glen
like a multitude of random grasses 
blooming rampant on the plain,
we are here to aerate the soil
of this mysterious dimension
with our never-ending questions
and plough the fields of wonder
with our endless and sturdy humor,
we are here to break ourselves
and to be formed again anew.
And so, I am always partial, and 
so you are always partial, and so what?
we are here, alone together, 
writing each his and her own version
of this frail, enduring dream of life.
And so, I bid you well my friends
and so, I will always smile to greet you
“hello, I am like you, broken and becoming,
do you want to meet for coffee?"
and this is how it goes, never forever,
but ever joyously, on and on and on...

lucy meskill

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