Friday, January 25, 2013


Who started the silence
in the tree just outside
my kitchen window,
that through the frosted
glazing caught me
as static birds perch
ornamentally still,
is anybody's guess.
As my eyes, over the sill,
gazing upward for death
from above and downward
for death from below,
sense that nothing is amiss.
Only the stoppage of time
in an envelope just outside
my wooden bubble of warmth.
Sparrow, Junco, Cardinal and Wren,
like overwound clockwork toys,
wait in avid, anxious torpor
for the right moment to slip by
that will fling them into motion,
and it does, like a taut jump-rope
on a city street in summertime,
that meeting warm slate at intervals
loosley keeping time with breath,
causes heavy feet to rise into thin air...

lucy meskill

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

the girl in the red hood...

over the river and
halfway through
the woods primeval
you begin to own
that you yourself
are grandmother
and that the cabin
deep in the forest
is wholly yours
that the wolf was
your wild youth
and the woodsman
is the bridge
that you built
between the two...

lucy meskill

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


fashion is
style with a cramp

courage is
fear with a lamp

genius is
error with aplomb

coiffure is
hair with a comb

fiction is
hearsay with a twist

action is
intent with a list

beauty is
allure with a flaw

dumbstruck is
a soul full of awe

love is
allegiance with heart

planning is
a dream with a chart

living is
flesh that prevails

hope is
old boats with new sails

friend is
an ally profound

music is
solace in sound

is friendship plus time

for poets
inclined to pen rhyme...xo!

lucy meskill

photo credit: tyne & wear archives and museums


earth groans
under the weight
of our collective
she reeks
of our sadness;
people who love
do not steal beauty
at any cost
they create beauty
for no reason;
there are no more
frontiers to plunder
out of keen
willful boredom;
there are no more
virgin places to
simply lay waste
but there are
so many lonely
abandoned lands
the has-been
once beautiful
now are wrecked
unloved wildernesses
billowing out
beneath the dress
of petulant, childish
bored and hasty
advancing/there are
neglected worlds
fomenting inside
guts, hearts
minds and souls
pick one, anyone/
everyone, pick ten
or twenty, really
really love the
unlovable self
and begin to know
precicely what
true discovery and
real adventure are...

lucy meskill

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


I can imagine
setting down the
open-mouthed scream
shivering inside me
and stepping into
a quivering meadow
shimmering with life
to rest my mind

lucy meskill