Wednesday, October 10, 2012


The human seed
a conscious furze,
a meaty spurge,
that 98.6 degrees
of confusion, wonder
and mayhem is loosed
upon the verdant
and slowly cooling crust.

A tree whose roots
are broken off into ten
abbreviated aching stubs
that get shoved, daily, into shoes;
that angry, beautiful burl of
unanswerable questions
which, fearful, twists the present
into a ghostly figment of the past.

We are blood, bone and bacteria
fleeting manifestations of the
massive blue-green marbled
behemoth rolling thru deep space
just beneath our mortal feet;
dreaming in our baby-minds
we prod and knead blindly
for nourishment at her milky teat.

Branded, bonded and burned
into submission, we hoard
the many other meaty species
into the dank, cheerless
needy basement of our hearts;
to linger from pain to table,
we stab and slice them into bites
for which we pay a psychic price.

Trees have big roots to hold them steady
and yet still they falter, thundering;
deep roots do not feed hungry trees
that fortune lies in what is tender
in a hair-thin network, a compassion
of feeder roots ever probing, seeking,
asking subtle moisture, minerals
and healing nurture from dark soil.

The challenges of this mortal place
are best met by fueling growth with wonder
by living, eyes open, blessed moments
to keep from walking into walls;
by making conscience into science
and forging mercy as our threshold
while keeping time with understanding
and then, being willing to let go...

lucy meskill

1 comment:

  1. below and above / futuristic stretching shows / some thing stay the same ... #haiku <3<3<3

    a potently powerful piece of prose, dear heart! {hug}
