Wednesday, July 25, 2012

a dream...

I am  
in a brightly 
lit chamber
surrounded by 
a tyranny of doors
which I must 
in a frenzy 
their substance 
is flimsy
and their locks 
don’t work
yet still
I check them
in a fever
while just 
of my walls
and windows
the veil
of cool night 
is descending
with grace
and lightly
moon flowers 
are opening 
into darkness…

lucy meskill

photo credit: judith meskill

Monday, July 16, 2012

centrifugal brew...

forward-swings only
up and over the top
all of the back-swings
got used up early 
purchased cheaply 
in our tender fleeting youth,
advancing momentum 
is all that is on offer now
with its bracing
wind in the face
blood to the brain
scalp-tingling logic,
and those quiet foot in sand
pebble and dust kicking moments
so few and far between now spill
like tender little ice-cubes
a'tumbling and a'swirling
before melting too quickly 
into hot and deeply scented tea…

lucy meskill

Friday, July 13, 2012


everything waits
all at once
everything goes
all at once
the page stands
a bowed tidal wave 
in the middle of a turn
knowledge spilling
down both sides
words get stuck
under our skin
sand is impossible
to get out of shoes
we surrender
or not
and fully open
as bees fly in
and out...

lucy meskill

photo credit: judith meskill