Sunday, October 18, 2015


blue plate swirling, sky
green bowl teeming, earth
yellow cup rising and setting, sun
all traversing the heavens
courtesy of 
the hinged elbows 
of a hungry god

Wednesday, July 15, 2015


There are angels in the underbrush
there are prophets in the trees
they dance with waving wanderlust
upon four windy seas

lucy meskill

Friday, July 3, 2015


the bee told me
just where to stand
to see the universe 

the envelope told me 
just where to read 
to hear the mountain

the leaf told me
just how to turn
to make gravity
let go

the pebble told me
just how to splash
to glide into the

Lucy Meskill

Monday, January 26, 2015


for pigs languishing in crates
I push the world for you
for cows who roil in filth
I push the world for you
for ducks who are force-fed
I push the world for you
for sharks who are de-finned
I push the world for you
for dogs forced to fight in pits
I push the world for you
for elephants de-tusked
I push the world for you
for goats shoved out of towers
I push the world for you
for chickens ground to death
I push the world for you
for bulls who are made to fight
I push the world for you
for insects poisoned by avarice
I push the world for you
for every thing that suffers
at the hands of human greed
I push the world, in words,
for you...

lucy meskill

image: Coruscate, lucy meskill, 2012