Tuesday, October 23, 2012

musical chairs...

She realized that, the open seat
existed to remain, unfilled by her
its emptiness, was not an invitation
and that deliberate, lack of inclusion
is the way that this game, is played
she exists to be denied, and a situation
firmly ensconced, feet under the table
just as if she belonged, that dream she had
no more a pawn of desire, of inclusion
to her, key yet invisible player, is denied...

lucy meskill

photo credit: judith meskill


Tepid totes of mostly water,
soft, warm elongated skin-tubes
with a symphony of colorful,
variegated softer tubes on the inside.
Beautiful permeable, subtle tinted bags
filled with bony white sticks and warm jelly.
Lustrous, dead keratin protein fibers
on the outside and short plump
life-giving pink filaments on the inside,
we are positively silly with cillia.
Hairs that march along the surface
of almost everything that we are
probing and promoting they glean,
clean and thrill the inner landscape.
And that convoluted brioche-brain
residing just beneath the jointed,
downturned teacup and saucer
that we call the human skull
is filled with the most mysterious
inscrutable material of all.
From it emanates a constant flow
of glimmering steamy swirls,
impulses, from the ever beating
garnet jewel just beneath our ribs,
to emit the perfume of the mind
and the thrilling chemosensational
palpable scent and flavor of feeling.
This tender melding of supple matter
that we call body, that we call home,
sweet home, asks that we employ
the seashells which reside on either
side of our cranium to listen in and out
to all of the important, enlightening
things it has to say, particularly
about the parts of it that are joined
to every other animate and inanimate
thing and being in this glorious,
orrery of an expanding universe...

lucy meskill

Saturday, October 13, 2012

on being human...

I had a cat once
who could not resist
an open paper bag
she would climb inside
make her way down

to the glued-end
and punch at it
for the longest time
sometimes being human
feels just like that...

lucy meskill

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

one smart cookie...

the inscribed sheet 
within this small crisp 
shiny caliper of sugar:

“no need to worry !
you will always have
that you need.”

lucky numbers: 9, 25, 38, 40, 42, 49

learn Chinese
baseball (bang-qiu)

I digest…

lucy meskill


The human seed
a conscious furze,
a meaty spurge,
that 98.6 degrees
of confusion, wonder
and mayhem is loosed
upon the verdant
and slowly cooling crust.

A tree whose roots
are broken off into ten
abbreviated aching stubs
that get shoved, daily, into shoes;
that angry, beautiful burl of
unanswerable questions
which, fearful, twists the present
into a ghostly figment of the past.

We are blood, bone and bacteria
fleeting manifestations of the
massive blue-green marbled
behemoth rolling thru deep space
just beneath our mortal feet;
dreaming in our baby-minds
we prod and knead blindly
for nourishment at her milky teat.

Branded, bonded and burned
into submission, we hoard
the many other meaty species
into the dank, cheerless
needy basement of our hearts;
to linger from pain to table,
we stab and slice them into bites
for which we pay a psychic price.

Trees have big roots to hold them steady
and yet still they falter, thundering;
deep roots do not feed hungry trees
that fortune lies in what is tender
in a hair-thin network, a compassion
of feeder roots ever probing, seeking,
asking subtle moisture, minerals
and healing nurture from dark soil.

The challenges of this mortal place
are best met by fueling growth with wonder
by living, eyes open, blessed moments
to keep from walking into walls;
by making conscience into science
and forging mercy as our threshold
while keeping time with understanding
and then, being willing to let go...

lucy meskill

Saturday, October 6, 2012

the ascent...

We are shallow wells
which daily through
the deepest love is drawn
ever upward towards the light,
and by the product of that drawing
are we deepened ever slowly. 
In the gentle leaf and stick strewn
bower of my heart I feel it,
in my small and human way
I sense the humming of the source,
the thrilling of the light,
and the dancers in the dark.
The illusion of no movement
is a very human invention,
it is a gift of the moment
by which we slow-down
the passing of our lives.
When we invented clocks
to parse time into seconds,
like Dr. Frankenstein, we did invent
a monster whom we love to scorn
we named our creation tedium
a thing we love to hate, which
bolsters this stunning illusion
that we have time to spare.
As drivers of vague boredom
we excel at streamlining 
the excessive volume of our grief
over the fact of our mortality
into a thin and pliant band
that staunches the seamless flow
of time to a manageable average 
of 80 lovely beats per minute
ever throbbing at the wrist.
We are weeds in this garden
like the purple thistle in the glen
like a multitude of random grasses 
blooming rampant on the plain,
we are here to aerate the soil
of this mysterious dimension
with our never-ending questions
and plough the fields of wonder
with our endless and sturdy humor,
we are here to break ourselves
and to be formed again anew.
And so, I am always partial, and 
so you are always partial, and so what?
we are here, alone together, 
writing each his and her own version
of this frail, enduring dream of life.
And so, I bid you well my friends
and so, I will always smile to greet you
“hello, I am like you, broken and becoming,
do you want to meet for coffee?"
and this is how it goes, never forever,
but ever joyously, on and on and on...

lucy meskill