Thursday, December 23, 2010

I squirrel, a dream...

there are acorns in the street
I see them clearly
from where I am standing
large and wood grain polished
some whole, caps attached
others broken open
revealing the spilled secrets
of nutmeat liberated
time passes without judgment
soft clockworks clicking
cars drive over and around
as I wait, I wait, I wait and watch
learning by heart their shapes
loving their contents from the curb
until you, you, you driving
stop and say, simply
hands on the wheel at two and ten,
"take all the time you need"
and I do
my red winter coat
billowed out like a basket
I gather slowly without apology
and once again on the curb
my strong arms happily full
I stand there contented
as I watch you make the turn
driving past me slowly
with the smile of a mother who
buttoning up well
the snowsuit of her beloved child
opens joyfully the door
of her home to reveal
snow-day perfection gleaming
un-driven in the street
on a crisp, sunny winter's day...
lucy meskill

1 comment:

  1. ah. how sweet and gentle. and so loving.
    a perfect winter's image, Lucy!
