Friday, December 24, 2010


just as a red winged black bird
you ramble the berry crammed
and thorny hedgerows singing
in the half-light your plaintiff tune
recalling the sound of rain and the
persistent warble of distant thunder 
the phantom music of resonant drums
played in battles fought long, long ago
I picture you with crimson wine berries
cupped between your brave hands
those hands that combed the lanolin
coated sheep born in your barn
and milked the sweet goat nectar
that you fed to your babies;
and like the dark raven that you
are, scanning the cloud filled skies
dreaming, eyes half closed, tears
forming at their corners, you
soar over fields of viridian green;
I see you lighting candles whose flames
flicker golden like prayers through darkness
queen of the night, shaman fire tender,
I remember you holding babies to your breast
in confident arms just made for nurture
the wine of your love trickles like the blood
of berries, deep and sweet through your tribe
I love you for ever and for always sister moon…
 lucy meskill