Monday, August 23, 2010

phantoms in our opera...

sometimes it takes
a lifetime
to stop running
from the nightmares
that pursue us,
the mostly small contrivances
of our childhood imaginations;
which like bad B movies
are still running on TV’s
that we in our haste
forget to turn off
they are like kites
whose strings
we hold and run with,
their only power is 
the wind that we provide
even the real bogeymen
become larger by degree
the longer we flee from them;
if we were to stop running
and turn to face them,
I think we might find
the paven street littered
with small and broken kites
and tired, aging demons
that we could reason with
and who perhaps
would prefer to retire
to some more useful shore…
lucy meskill


  1. ah. facing our demons. beautifully put, lucy, in both image and words. i feel we are thinking in similar ways. our demons are different, but we are both working at facing them.
    love you forever and a day (or two)!!

  2. and while one might run / one can never really hide / from what is one's self ... #haiku

    love the poem and the image, lucy -- beautifully conveyed! xoxoxox

  3. an excellent one, Lucy, and the photo too. thank you. Just happens to be on my miind as well, coincidentally.
