Tuesday, August 31, 2010

curbed appeal...

houses that pass me in my car
along the side of the road
peeling in their appeal
too close to the shoulder
to be lived in, to be loved
have me thinking about a day
the day that someone dreamed
and decided to build them
with a long sloping lawn
where now their cobbled path
eaten by the highway used to be
about the day that they were finished
and where that someone stood
hands on hips exclaiming "I love it!,
"I really, really love it"
and how for some houses
that very first "I love you"
needs to last a lifetime
because it is the last one
that they will ever hear...
lucy meskill

1 comment:

  1. oh. i have passed many a house like that. and yes, i'm sure they were wonderful in their day. a good reminder, lucy, to appreciate our world not just for what is but also for what was.
