at the waters edge you glimmer,
a cape may diamond rocking softly
in the sand, moonstone deep and lucent,
you roll in waves, ever curious for shore;
I keep walking through doors that you
have pried and held open for me,
to me you are like the curious and brave
little Carolina wren outside my window,
a daring little flame darting deeply
into crevices foraging for seeds, while
not succumbing to the ease of the feeder,
like a visionary seer, she strikes a path
following her bliss into the unknown;
your large eyes beacon bright and blue
are as warm to me as summer skies
I love being in the garden together
as the magical low slanting evening light
illuminates the flowers beneath our lenses;
I love the silver volume of our hair
flowing out beneath straw hats, inside,
we are still those two little girls, silently
sifting buttons and shells, dreaming
on the bedspreads of our youth,
for ever and for always will I love you,
my brilliant, iridescent sister sun…
lucy meskill