Monday, January 26, 2015


for pigs languishing in crates
I push the world for you
for cows who roil in filth
I push the world for you
for ducks who are force-fed
I push the world for you
for sharks who are de-finned
I push the world for you
for dogs forced to fight in pits
I push the world for you
for elephants de-tusked
I push the world for you
for goats shoved out of towers
I push the world for you
for chickens ground to death
I push the world for you
for bulls who are made to fight
I push the world for you
for insects poisoned by avarice
I push the world for you
for every thing that suffers
at the hands of human greed
I push the world, in words,
for you...

lucy meskill

image: Coruscate, lucy meskill, 2012