Tuesday, January 15, 2013


fashion is
style with a cramp

courage is
fear with a lamp

genius is
error with aplomb

coiffure is
hair with a comb

fiction is
hearsay with a twist

action is
intent with a list

beauty is
allure with a flaw

dumbstruck is
a soul full of awe

love is
allegiance with heart

planning is
a dream with a chart

living is
flesh that prevails

hope is
old boats with new sails

friend is
an ally profound

music is
solace in sound

is friendship plus time

for poets
inclined to pen rhyme...xo!

lucy meskill

photo credit: tyne & wear archives and museums

1 comment:

  1. intent with a list / maps out a dream with a chart / my sister's all heart ... #haiku <3<3<3

    this is genius, lucy! xo
